SABTU , 11 APRIL 2009
bertolak dr grand view hotel ,ipoh kol 7.00 pg.tetibe lak pewot gua memulas..mak aii sakit dowh..
nk cirit nih..smpi kat utp kol 8.00 pg..giler cun siot tmpt tuh..sumer nmpk pndi2.then daftar diri pastu g asrama kat akademi pembangunan belia naik bas..k gak r bilik die..
pastu otw nk g naik bas tetibe terjatuh longkang beb!!bengkak kaki wa..nasib baik xde pompuan..
penat control macho je...mwahahahahaha...then de briefing kat chancellor hall..architechture die superb giler..
bertolak dr grand view hotel ,ipoh kol 7.00 pg.tetibe lak pewot gua memulas..mak aii sakit dowh..
nk cirit nih..smpi kat utp kol 8.00 pg..giler cun siot tmpt tuh..sumer nmpk pndi2.then daftar diri pastu g asrama kat akademi pembangunan belia naik bas..k gak r bilik die..
pastu otw nk g naik bas tetibe terjatuh longkang beb!!bengkak kaki wa..nasib baik xde pompuan..
penat control macho je...mwahahahahaha...then de briefing kat chancellor hall..architechture die superb giler..
then de tour around da utp..dgn kaki bengkak nye.. mmg terseksa..
ni mse group discussion...pnt giler debat ngan nessa(da girl in blue..bdk mrsm pc)..blakang aku lak zaim ank saudara teacher ruzaini cous hannah my best fwen...die bdk mrsm gemencheh..mlm tu lak de math test..mak aii aku dh la lupe kat add math..hentam je la..kol 11 mlm br blk hostel tido..zzzzzzzz
AHAD ,12 APRIL 2009
pg kol 8.00 de english placement test..piece of cake...pastu de iq test..k gak r...
then petang tuh de kemuncak event DA INTERVIEW!!!!!arghhhhhhhhhhh!!!
scared like freaking hell....dpt topic sal refugees(pelarian).
wat r da prob wif dis refugees??
do u agree dat gov welcome dis refugees??
mencabr gak r..
but i'd do my best!!
me: knock!knock!
mr.petro:come in..
me:(there was 4 eyes were wondering where 2 seat?)..assalamuailakum..'re taking accountancy?
me:yes..(i stared him in the eyes n i'm sweating like a pig..)
mr.petro:okay..tell us about urself..
me:i'm a very optimistic kinda person(i startled a lil' bit)..n i like to organize things n do everything in order..i hate it when my work become a mess..everything dat i do must ne very neat..i like 2 lead rather be da follower..
mr.petro:okay..(cam x btol je bdk ni..)tell us about ur family..
me:i have a father n a mother obviously..(stupid me)..i have 3 brotha n a father works as a CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER at PNA TECHNOLOGIES mom is a brother is now pursuing his studies at f6..
mr.petro:anything else?
me:urmmm...(wat 2 say)no,tq..
mr.petro:okay now ur case..
me:okay..(omg!how 2 start ah...)firstly, there are several probs about this refugees..they(bla...bla...i can't remember where i put da damn i can't write it down here..)
me:the resolutions are that i do agree that da gov 2 welcome dis refugees under da name of humanity..except that we must set a bar or limits 4 dis refugees 2 come here..or there will be flood of refugees..da gov must monitor n supervise dis refugees 4 da greater future..other than that we can build a diplomatic relationship between countries..or we can say "i scratch ur back,u scratch my back"..(da interviewers laughed..wat a relief)dat's all..
mr.petro:okay tq..
then there will be a group discussion..i can't recalled wat i said..hmmm
pg kol 8.00 de english placement test..piece of cake...pastu de iq test..k gak r...
then petang tuh de kemuncak event DA INTERVIEW!!!!!arghhhhhhhhhhh!!!
scared like freaking hell....dpt topic sal refugees(pelarian).
wat r da prob wif dis refugees??
do u agree dat gov welcome dis refugees??
mencabr gak r..
but i'd do my best!!
me: knock!knock!
mr.petro:come in..
me:(there was 4 eyes were wondering where 2 seat?)..assalamuailakum..'re taking accountancy?
me:yes..(i stared him in the eyes n i'm sweating like a pig..)
mr.petro:okay..tell us about urself..
me:i'm a very optimistic kinda person(i startled a lil' bit)..n i like to organize things n do everything in order..i hate it when my work become a mess..everything dat i do must ne very neat..i like 2 lead rather be da follower..
mr.petro:okay..(cam x btol je bdk ni..)tell us about ur family..
me:i have a father n a mother obviously..(stupid me)..i have 3 brotha n a father works as a CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER at PNA TECHNOLOGIES mom is a brother is now pursuing his studies at f6..
mr.petro:anything else?
me:urmmm...(wat 2 say)no,tq..
mr.petro:okay now ur case..
me:okay..(omg!how 2 start ah...)firstly, there are several probs about this refugees..they(bla...bla...i can't remember where i put da damn i can't write it down here..)
me:the resolutions are that i do agree that da gov 2 welcome dis refugees under da name of humanity..except that we must set a bar or limits 4 dis refugees 2 come here..or there will be flood of refugees..da gov must monitor n supervise dis refugees 4 da greater future..other than that we can build a diplomatic relationship between countries..or we can say "i scratch ur back,u scratch my back"..(da interviewers laughed..wat a relief)dat's all..
mr.petro:okay tq..
then there will be a group discussion..i can't recalled wat i said..hmmm
1 comment:
aku bru prasan ade name aku kt c2.haha.nway,bes ah dbt2 sonok je.aku nk wt lgi lah (; tp bkn lam bilik intviu.nitemare.huhu
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